work coaching

In a session of 1 to 1.5 hours we will work together, tackling an issue at work. As a client you are in charge, I am there to guide you. We will take an holistic approach: we will investigate - following the Ken Wilber model - the relationships between the axes of 'internal' versus 'external', and 'individual' versus 'collective'. Which connections play a role, what are the mutual relationships, which forces can one observe and where is the possible resistance? Based on that insight, we will zoom in deeper and analyse further.

By means of "intense (deep) listening" I will share my observation with you, on the basis of which we will agree our approach. In addition to elements of (family) constellations, we will - where meaningful - make use of elements of Deep Democracy, communication and storytelling.

One-off sessions can be booked. Trajectories of 6 to 10 sessions ultimately yield more results. Prices from 125Euros per session and in consultation with you.

What can this offer you:

  • renewed view on your (systemic) reality

  • unraveling connections/vectors

  • identify an blockages

  • provide insight that issue of the past play a role today

  • approach work-life balance differently

  • renewed energy to take next steps in your work