coaching for leaders

When you are in a leadership position, it is very likely that you will have had the necessary training and education. Perhaps you have had a rich variety of training? Could it be that I could provide you with new insights? Would you like to try?

In my consultations with leaders I use my "own-developed" method. No session will be the same, though there is of course a common thread. With my client in charge, she/he decides the course of action and which "tools" from my "toolkit" we will use. I am there to guide, suggest persuade. I derive the techniques from organisational constellations, Deep Democracy and communication as a tool for change.

In a holistic way, using the Ken Wilber model, we look at the system in which you operate and lead. How do your dynamics play out seen across the axes of "internal" versus "external" and "individual" versus "collective"? What works well for you? What works not so well? With whom do you work well, and why? What do you run into? Any unresolved issues?

What can this offer you?

  • renewed, holistic view of your operating system

  • making invisible issues visible

  • where and how can you unleash wisdom in your organisation

  • redefining leadership

  • further understanding - and exploration of - Deep Democracy, organisational constellations (systems analysis) and/or (new view on) communication