Do my bit to making this world a better place. Connecting people, listening to the other, using imagination: forge new realities so we can change the world into a better place. Everything is connected. Let us not avoid conflict or resistance: that is where wisdom can be found. Solutions will emerge through the ‘dance’ between head, heart and gut.


sessions and workshops


“There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct, or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.”

Niccolò Machiavelli

Is there a change process: in your team, organisation or for you as an individual, I would like to work with you.

I enjoy working with groups: existing groups as well as groups that meet for the occasion. You can also contact me for individual consultations.

For organisations I enjoy being the guide of the process of important choices and/or decisions. Perhaps it concerns a new strategy or structure, certification, a changing context or there might be resistance or a conflict within your organisation, or something completely different. I enjoy to curate meetings in which we tackle change - or a specific theme.

I take a systemic approach: in addition to analysing processes, procedures and structures, we observe the organisational culture, values ​​and beliefs as well as human behaviour. Hence, we approach a situation from the perspective that the individual, collective, internal and external are interconnected.

Do you face a certain dilemma or are challenged with certain choices, work or private? I will also work with you. This can be part of the project with a team or organisation. I am not the one who will provide you with the answers, but will work with you to face your reality differently.

Every situation is unique, every individual special. An exploratory conversation will be the starting point. I prefer to speak with everyone involved in teams and organisations. Participation is very important. Teams and organisations have common wisdom, which can be unleashed from the start.

My way of working can take different forms:

  • advice and implementation track,

  • workshops/retreats/ceremonies,

  • one-to-one consultation,

  • group meetings



facilitation and moderation


Facilitating people to let them present, debate, and to ensure we listen to their stories to come to new insights together, that gives me energy. It is the way I facilitate and moderate. I really enjoy doing this. I think it is best when the audience can really participate. Based on that vision, I also like to fulfil the role of (day) chair at a conference, symposium or retreat.

In addition, I enjoy getting onto a stage to share my story to discuss my insights, beliefs, lessons and to further analyse them, together.



communication and STORYtelling


A communication strategy is indispensable within any change process. Having a story is the essential element of any (communication) strategy.
I believe in (co-) creating strategies and implementation plans and like to use my lenses of the '3As': authenticity, accountability and audacity.


"Watch your thoughts; they become words. Watch your language; it becomes actions. Watch your actions; they become habit. Watch your habits; they become character. Watch your character; it becomes your destination."

Lao Tzu

Stories invite people to cross literal and virtual boundaries. Connecting stories brings different stakeholders together. Stories can show a bright future and a long-term perspective.

A strategic narrative has the ability to bring about new realities. Having the "right" story is not to be underestimated, for yourself and the organisation.

A successful story is synchronous with someone's values, someone's deep convictions and is rooted in (the imagined) reality. It is in that light that I like to tell and write stories.

Stories invite people to cross literal and virtual boundaries. Engaging stories connect different stakeholders and stories can show that bright future and a long-term perspective.